Thursday, February 12, 2015

Excel ShortCuts

Heading Short Cut Key Discription
The Fundamentals Ctrl + O Open File
The Fundamentals Ctrl + N New File
The Fundamentals Ctrl + P Print
The Fundamentals Ctrl + S Save File
The Fundamentals F12 Save File As
The Fundamentals Ctrl + F4 Close File
The Fundamentals Alt + F4 Close Excel
The Fundamentals Esc Exit Dialog
The Fundamentals Ctrl + C Copy
The Fundamentals Ctrl + X Cut
The Fundamentals Ctrl + V Paste
The Fundamentals Ctrl + Z Undo
The Fundamentals Ctrl + Y Redo
The Fundamentals Ctrl + A Select All
The Fundamentals Ctrl + F Find
The Fundamentals Ctrl + H Replace
The Fundamentals Alt + Tab Switch Windows
The Fundamentals Alt + T + O Options Menu
The Fundamentals F4 Repeat Last Action
The Fundamentals Ctrl + F1 Show / Hide Ribbon Menu
Rows & Columns Ctrl + Spacebar Select Column 
Rows & Columns Shift + Spacebar     Select Row
Rows & Columns Ctrl + Shift + + Insert Cells / Rows / Columns
Rows & Columns Ctrl + - Delete Cells / Rows / Columns
Rows & Columns Right Mouse Button + E Insert Cut Cells and Shift Over
Rows & Columns Alt + A + G + G Group Rows / Columns
Rows & Columns Shift + Alt + Right Group Rows / Columns
Rows & Columns Alt + A + U + U Ungroup Rows / Columns
Rows & Columns Shift + Alt + Left Ungroup Rows / Columns
Rows & Columns Alt + A + J Show Grouped Rows / Columns
Rows & Columns Alt + A + H Hide Grouped Rows / Columns
Navigation & Data Selection Arrow Keys Move Around
Navigation & Data Selection Ctrl + Arrows Jump to Boundary
Navigation & Data Selection Shift + Arrows Select Cells
Navigation & Data Selection Shift + Ctrl + Arrows Select to Boundary
Navigation & Data Selection Shift + F8 Select Multiple Areas
Editing Cells F2 Edit Cell
Editing Cells Del Delete Cell Contents
Editing Cells Ctrl + Arrows Skip Word(s)
Editing Cells Ctrl + Shift +Arrows Highlight Word(s)
Editing Cells Alt + Enter New Line in Cell
Editing Cells Ctrl + Enter /Tab / Shift +Tab Edit and… Stay in Place / Go Left /Go Right
Workbooks & Worksheets Ctrl + N New Workbook
Workbooks & Worksheets Ctrl + Tab Switch Workbook
Workbooks & Worksheets Shift + F11 New Worksheet
Workbooks & Worksheets Alt + H + D + S Del Worksheet
Workbooks & Worksheets Ctrl + PgUp Move to Left Worksheet
Workbooks & Worksheets Ctrl + PgDn Move to Right Worksheet
Workbooks & Worksheets Alt + H + O + M Move / Copy Worksheet
Workbooks & Worksheets Shift + Ctrl + PgUp / PgDn Select Multiple Worksheets
Workbooks & Worksheets Alt + H + O + U + S Hide Worksheet
Workbooks & Worksheets Alt + H + O + U + H Show Worksheet
Workbooks & Worksheets Alt + H + O + R Rename Worksheet
Workbooks & Worksheets Alt + H + O + T Color Tab
Date and Time  =Date(Year,month,day) Create New Date
Date and Time  =NETWORKDAYS(Start, End Date) Business days in between 2 dates
Date and Time  =EOMONTH (Start Date, # Months) Last day of month after # months
Date and Time Ctrl + Shift + ; Current Time
Date and Time Ctrl + ; Current Date
Basic Formatting Alt + H Format Menu
Basic Formatting Ctrl + 1 Format Dialog
Basic Formatting Ctrl + Alt + V Paste Special
Basic Formatting Ctrl + Alt + V + T Paste Formats
Basic Formatting Ctrl + Alt + V + V Paste Values
Basic Formatting Ctrl + Alt + V + F Paste Formulas
Basic Formatting Alt + H + FC Font Color
Basic Formatting Alt + H + H Fill Color
Basic Formatting Alt + H + B Border Options
Basic Formatting Alt + H + A + L / C / R Align Left / Center/ Right
Basic Formatting Alt + H + 6 Increase Indent
Basic Formatting Alt + H + 5 Decrease Indent
Basic Formatting Alt + H + 0 Increase Decimal Places
Basic Formatting Alt + H + 9 Decrease Decimal Places
Basic Formatting Ctrl + B Bold
Basic Formatting Ctrl + I Italics
Basic Formatting Ctrl + U Underline
Basic Formatting Ctrl + 5 Strikethrough
Basic Formatting Ctrl + Shift + & Add Borders
Basic Formatting Ctrl + Shift + – Delete Borders
Basic Formatting Shift + Ctrl + ~ General
Basic Formatting Shift + Ctrl + ! Number
Basic Formatting Shift + Ctrl + @ Time
Basic Formatting Shift + Ctrl + # Date
Basic Formatting Shift + Ctrl + $ Currency
Basic Formatting Shift + Ctrl + % Percentage
Basic Formatting Shift + Ctrl + ^ Scientific
Basic Formatting  =TEXT(Cell, Format) Displays cell using custom format
Basic Formatting Alt + H + O + I Auto-Fit Col.
Basic Formatting Alt + H + O + A Auto-Fit Row
Basic Formatting Alt + H + O + W Column Width
Basic Formatting Alt + H + O + H Row Height
Basic Formatting Alt + H + L + R Conditional Formatting
Basic Formatting Alt + H + T Format as Table
Text Tools & Functions Alt + A + FT Text File Import
Text Tools & Functions  =LEFT Chars from le
Text Tools & Functions  =RIGHT Chars from right
Text Tools & Functions  =MID Chars from…
Text Tools & Functions  =FIND Search for text within text
Text Tools & Functions  =SEARCH Same, but not case sensitive
Text Tools & Functions  =LEN Length of text
Text Tools & Functions  =SUBSTITUTE Replace text in text with search
Text Tools & Functions  =REPLACE Same, but use position instead
Text Tools & Functions Alt + A + E Text to Columns
Text Tools & Functions  =TRIM Deletes Extra Spaces
Text Tools & Functions  =PROPER Capitalize All First Letters
Text Tools & Functions  =UPPER Make All Caps
Text Tools & Functions  =LOWER Make All Lower
Formulas and Calculations  = Enter Formula
Formulas and Calculations F9 Refresh All
Formulas and Calculations F4 Anchor Cell
Formulas and Calculations Ctrl + F3 Name Cell
Formulas and Calculations F5 Jump to Cell
Formulas and Calculations Tab Navigating 
Formulas and Calculations Shift + F3 Enter Built-In Function
Formulas and Calculations Ctrl + Alt + V + F Paste Formulas
Formulas and Calculations Ctrl + Alt + V + R Paste Formats & Formulas
Formulas and Calculations Ctrl + D Copy Down
Formulas and Calculations Ctrl + R Copy Right
Formulas and Calculations Ctrl + ’ Copy from Above
Formulas and Calculations F5, Alt + S + F + X Go to Formulas
Formulas and Calculations F5, Alt + S + O + X Go to Constants
Formulas and Calculations Ctrl + ~ Show Formulas
Formulas and Calculations  =IFERROR(Value, Value If Error) Calculates only if no error
Display & Printing Alt + W + F + F Freeze Panes
Display & Printing Alt + W + Q Zoom
Display & Printing Ctrl + Mouse Scroll Wheel Zoom
Display & Printing Alt + P + S + P Page Setup
Display & Printing Alt + P + R + S Set Print Range to Selected Area
Display & Printing Ctrl + F2 Print Preview
Display & Printing Alt + W + I Page Break View
Display & Printing Alt + W + L Normal View
Display & Printing Alt + W + VG Toggle Gridlines
Lookups & Related Functions  =VLOOKUP(Value, Table,Column #) Match Value in Left Column and Return from Column #
Lookups & Related Functions  =HLOOKUP(Value, Table,Row #) Match Value in Top Row and Return from Row #
Lookups & Related Functions  =MATCH (Value,Row or Column Range) Find Item’s Position in Row/Column
Lookups & Related Functions  =INDEX (Table,Row #, Col #) Return Item at Row # and Column #
Lookups & Related Functions  =INDIRECT (Ref)    Returns cell at reference given by text
Lookups & Related Functions  =ADDRESS (Row #, Col #)  Creates cell reference
Common Built-In Functions  =SUM Sum Numbers
Common Built-In Functions Alt + = Sum Adjacent Cells
Common Built-In Functions  =COUNT Count # Entries
Common Built-In Functions  =AVERAGE Average
Common Built-In Functions  =MAX Maximum
Common Built-In Functions  =MIN Minimum
Common Built-In Functions  =SUMIF / Conditional
Common Built-In Functions  =SUMIFS Sum
Common Built-In Functions =COUNTIF / Conditional
Common Built-In Functions  =COUNTIFS Count
Common Built-In Functions  =SUMPRODUCT Multiply and Sum Range
Common Built-In Functions  =ABS Absolute Value
Common Built-In Functions  =If Conditional
Common Built-In Functions  =OR One Must Be TRUE
Common Built-In Functions  =AND All Must Be TRUE
Common Built-In Functions  =NPV (Discount Rate, Cash Flows) Net Present Value of Cash Flows
Common Built-In Functions  =XNPV (Rate,Values, Dates) NPV with irregular dates
Common Built-In Functions  =IRR (Values) Internal Rate of Return of Investment
Common Built-In Functions  =XIRR (Values,Dates) IRR with irregular dates
Database and Array Functions  =DSUM (DB,Field, Criteria) Sums records that match criteria
Database and Array Functions  =DCOUNT (DB,Field, Criteria) Counts records that match criteria
Database and Array Functions Ctrl + Shift + Enter Enter Array Function
Database and Array Functions  =TRANSPOSE (Rows or Columns)  Converts rows to columns and vice versa 
Auditing Formulas Ctrl + [ Immediate Precedents
Auditing Formulas Ctrl + ] Immediate Dependents
Auditing Formulas Alt + M + P Trace Precedents
Auditing Formulas Alt + M + D Trace Dependents
Auditing Formulas Alt + M + A + A Erase Traces
Auditing Formulas Shift + Ctrl + { All Precedents
Auditing Formulas Shift + Ctrl + } All Dependents
Auditing Formulas F5 + Enter Jump to Original Cell
Auditing Formulas Shift + F2 Add/Edit Comment
Auditing Formulas Alt + R + D Del Comment
Auditing Formulas Alt + R + A Show All Comments
Auditing Formulas F5, Alt + S + C Highlight Cells w/ Comments
Filtering, Sorting & Validating Alt + A + SS Sort Data
Filtering, Sorting & Validating Alt + A + SA Sort Ascending
Filtering, Sorting & Validating Alt + A + SD Sort Descending
Filtering, Sorting & Validating Ctrl + Shift + L Filter Data
Filtering, Sorting & Validating Alt + A + Q Advanced Data Filter
Filtering, Sorting & Validating Right Mouse Button + E + V Filter by Cell’s Properties
Filtering, Sorting & Validating Alt + A + M Remove Duplicates
Filtering, Sorting & Validating Alt + A + V + V Validate Data
Scenarios & Sensitivities  =CHOOSE(Number, Item1,Item2…) Select from List based on Number
Scenarios & Sensitivities  =OFFSET(Cell, #Rows, # Cols) Move # of Rows and Columns from Cell
Scenarios & Sensitivities Alt + A + W + S Scenario Manager
Scenarios & Sensitivities Alt + A + W + G Goal Seek
Scenarios & Sensitivities Alt + A + W + T Data Table
Macros, VBA, and Forms Alt + F11 VBA Editor
Macros, VBA, and Forms F5 (in VBA) Run Macro
Macros, VBA, and Forms F2 (in VBA) Object Browser Ctrl + G (in VBA) Immediate Window
Macros, VBA, and Forms Alt + L + I Form Control
Macros, VBA, and Forms Alt + W + M + U Use Relative References
Macros, VBA, and Forms Alt + W + M + R Record Macro
Macros, VBA, and Forms Alt + W + M + V View Macros
Graphs & Charts Alt + N + C Column Chart
Graphs & Charts Alt + N + N Line Chart
Graphs & Charts Alt + N + Q Pie Chart
Graphs & Charts Alt + N + B Bar Chart
Graphs & Charts Alt + N + X Text Box
Graphs & Charts Alt + N + SD Combo Chart (2013+)
Graphs & Charts Alt + N + R Recommended Chart (2013+)
Graphs & Charts Alt + JC + A Add Chart Element (2013+)
Graphs & Charts Alt + JC Design Tab
Graphs & Charts Alt + JA Layout Tab (2007, 2010)
Graphs & Charts Alt + JO Format Tab (2007, 2010)
Graphs & Charts Alt + JA Format Tab -2013

Excel ShortCuts

Heading Short Cut Key Discription The Fundamentals Ctrl + O Open File The Fundamentals Ctrl + N ...