Thursday, February 12, 2015

Excel ShortCuts

Heading Short Cut Key Discription
The Fundamentals Ctrl + O Open File
The Fundamentals Ctrl + N New File
The Fundamentals Ctrl + P Print
The Fundamentals Ctrl + S Save File
The Fundamentals F12 Save File As
The Fundamentals Ctrl + F4 Close File
The Fundamentals Alt + F4 Close Excel
The Fundamentals Esc Exit Dialog
The Fundamentals Ctrl + C Copy
The Fundamentals Ctrl + X Cut
The Fundamentals Ctrl + V Paste
The Fundamentals Ctrl + Z Undo
The Fundamentals Ctrl + Y Redo
The Fundamentals Ctrl + A Select All
The Fundamentals Ctrl + F Find
The Fundamentals Ctrl + H Replace
The Fundamentals Alt + Tab Switch Windows
The Fundamentals Alt + T + O Options Menu
The Fundamentals F4 Repeat Last Action
The Fundamentals Ctrl + F1 Show / Hide Ribbon Menu
Rows & Columns Ctrl + Spacebar Select Column 
Rows & Columns Shift + Spacebar     Select Row
Rows & Columns Ctrl + Shift + + Insert Cells / Rows / Columns
Rows & Columns Ctrl + - Delete Cells / Rows / Columns
Rows & Columns Right Mouse Button + E Insert Cut Cells and Shift Over
Rows & Columns Alt + A + G + G Group Rows / Columns
Rows & Columns Shift + Alt + Right Group Rows / Columns
Rows & Columns Alt + A + U + U Ungroup Rows / Columns
Rows & Columns Shift + Alt + Left Ungroup Rows / Columns
Rows & Columns Alt + A + J Show Grouped Rows / Columns
Rows & Columns Alt + A + H Hide Grouped Rows / Columns
Navigation & Data Selection Arrow Keys Move Around
Navigation & Data Selection Ctrl + Arrows Jump to Boundary
Navigation & Data Selection Shift + Arrows Select Cells
Navigation & Data Selection Shift + Ctrl + Arrows Select to Boundary
Navigation & Data Selection Shift + F8 Select Multiple Areas
Editing Cells F2 Edit Cell
Editing Cells Del Delete Cell Contents
Editing Cells Ctrl + Arrows Skip Word(s)
Editing Cells Ctrl + Shift +Arrows Highlight Word(s)
Editing Cells Alt + Enter New Line in Cell
Editing Cells Ctrl + Enter /Tab / Shift +Tab Edit and… Stay in Place / Go Left /Go Right
Workbooks & Worksheets Ctrl + N New Workbook
Workbooks & Worksheets Ctrl + Tab Switch Workbook
Workbooks & Worksheets Shift + F11 New Worksheet
Workbooks & Worksheets Alt + H + D + S Del Worksheet
Workbooks & Worksheets Ctrl + PgUp Move to Left Worksheet
Workbooks & Worksheets Ctrl + PgDn Move to Right Worksheet
Workbooks & Worksheets Alt + H + O + M Move / Copy Worksheet
Workbooks & Worksheets Shift + Ctrl + PgUp / PgDn Select Multiple Worksheets
Workbooks & Worksheets Alt + H + O + U + S Hide Worksheet
Workbooks & Worksheets Alt + H + O + U + H Show Worksheet
Workbooks & Worksheets Alt + H + O + R Rename Worksheet
Workbooks & Worksheets Alt + H + O + T Color Tab
Date and Time  =Date(Year,month,day) Create New Date
Date and Time  =NETWORKDAYS(Start, End Date) Business days in between 2 dates
Date and Time  =EOMONTH (Start Date, # Months) Last day of month after # months
Date and Time Ctrl + Shift + ; Current Time
Date and Time Ctrl + ; Current Date
Basic Formatting Alt + H Format Menu
Basic Formatting Ctrl + 1 Format Dialog
Basic Formatting Ctrl + Alt + V Paste Special
Basic Formatting Ctrl + Alt + V + T Paste Formats
Basic Formatting Ctrl + Alt + V + V Paste Values
Basic Formatting Ctrl + Alt + V + F Paste Formulas
Basic Formatting Alt + H + FC Font Color
Basic Formatting Alt + H + H Fill Color
Basic Formatting Alt + H + B Border Options
Basic Formatting Alt + H + A + L / C / R Align Left / Center/ Right
Basic Formatting Alt + H + 6 Increase Indent
Basic Formatting Alt + H + 5 Decrease Indent
Basic Formatting Alt + H + 0 Increase Decimal Places
Basic Formatting Alt + H + 9 Decrease Decimal Places
Basic Formatting Ctrl + B Bold
Basic Formatting Ctrl + I Italics
Basic Formatting Ctrl + U Underline
Basic Formatting Ctrl + 5 Strikethrough
Basic Formatting Ctrl + Shift + & Add Borders
Basic Formatting Ctrl + Shift + – Delete Borders
Basic Formatting Shift + Ctrl + ~ General
Basic Formatting Shift + Ctrl + ! Number
Basic Formatting Shift + Ctrl + @ Time
Basic Formatting Shift + Ctrl + # Date
Basic Formatting Shift + Ctrl + $ Currency
Basic Formatting Shift + Ctrl + % Percentage
Basic Formatting Shift + Ctrl + ^ Scientific
Basic Formatting  =TEXT(Cell, Format) Displays cell using custom format
Basic Formatting Alt + H + O + I Auto-Fit Col.
Basic Formatting Alt + H + O + A Auto-Fit Row
Basic Formatting Alt + H + O + W Column Width
Basic Formatting Alt + H + O + H Row Height
Basic Formatting Alt + H + L + R Conditional Formatting
Basic Formatting Alt + H + T Format as Table
Text Tools & Functions Alt + A + FT Text File Import
Text Tools & Functions  =LEFT Chars from le
Text Tools & Functions  =RIGHT Chars from right
Text Tools & Functions  =MID Chars from…
Text Tools & Functions  =FIND Search for text within text
Text Tools & Functions  =SEARCH Same, but not case sensitive
Text Tools & Functions  =LEN Length of text
Text Tools & Functions  =SUBSTITUTE Replace text in text with search
Text Tools & Functions  =REPLACE Same, but use position instead
Text Tools & Functions Alt + A + E Text to Columns
Text Tools & Functions  =TRIM Deletes Extra Spaces
Text Tools & Functions  =PROPER Capitalize All First Letters
Text Tools & Functions  =UPPER Make All Caps
Text Tools & Functions  =LOWER Make All Lower
Formulas and Calculations  = Enter Formula
Formulas and Calculations F9 Refresh All
Formulas and Calculations F4 Anchor Cell
Formulas and Calculations Ctrl + F3 Name Cell
Formulas and Calculations F5 Jump to Cell
Formulas and Calculations Tab Navigating 
Formulas and Calculations Shift + F3 Enter Built-In Function
Formulas and Calculations Ctrl + Alt + V + F Paste Formulas
Formulas and Calculations Ctrl + Alt + V + R Paste Formats & Formulas
Formulas and Calculations Ctrl + D Copy Down
Formulas and Calculations Ctrl + R Copy Right
Formulas and Calculations Ctrl + ’ Copy from Above
Formulas and Calculations F5, Alt + S + F + X Go to Formulas
Formulas and Calculations F5, Alt + S + O + X Go to Constants
Formulas and Calculations Ctrl + ~ Show Formulas
Formulas and Calculations  =IFERROR(Value, Value If Error) Calculates only if no error
Display & Printing Alt + W + F + F Freeze Panes
Display & Printing Alt + W + Q Zoom
Display & Printing Ctrl + Mouse Scroll Wheel Zoom
Display & Printing Alt + P + S + P Page Setup
Display & Printing Alt + P + R + S Set Print Range to Selected Area
Display & Printing Ctrl + F2 Print Preview
Display & Printing Alt + W + I Page Break View
Display & Printing Alt + W + L Normal View
Display & Printing Alt + W + VG Toggle Gridlines
Lookups & Related Functions  =VLOOKUP(Value, Table,Column #) Match Value in Left Column and Return from Column #
Lookups & Related Functions  =HLOOKUP(Value, Table,Row #) Match Value in Top Row and Return from Row #
Lookups & Related Functions  =MATCH (Value,Row or Column Range) Find Item’s Position in Row/Column
Lookups & Related Functions  =INDEX (Table,Row #, Col #) Return Item at Row # and Column #
Lookups & Related Functions  =INDIRECT (Ref)    Returns cell at reference given by text
Lookups & Related Functions  =ADDRESS (Row #, Col #)  Creates cell reference
Common Built-In Functions  =SUM Sum Numbers
Common Built-In Functions Alt + = Sum Adjacent Cells
Common Built-In Functions  =COUNT Count # Entries
Common Built-In Functions  =AVERAGE Average
Common Built-In Functions  =MAX Maximum
Common Built-In Functions  =MIN Minimum
Common Built-In Functions  =SUMIF / Conditional
Common Built-In Functions  =SUMIFS Sum
Common Built-In Functions =COUNTIF / Conditional
Common Built-In Functions  =COUNTIFS Count
Common Built-In Functions  =SUMPRODUCT Multiply and Sum Range
Common Built-In Functions  =ABS Absolute Value
Common Built-In Functions  =If Conditional
Common Built-In Functions  =OR One Must Be TRUE
Common Built-In Functions  =AND All Must Be TRUE
Common Built-In Functions  =NPV (Discount Rate, Cash Flows) Net Present Value of Cash Flows
Common Built-In Functions  =XNPV (Rate,Values, Dates) NPV with irregular dates
Common Built-In Functions  =IRR (Values) Internal Rate of Return of Investment
Common Built-In Functions  =XIRR (Values,Dates) IRR with irregular dates
Database and Array Functions  =DSUM (DB,Field, Criteria) Sums records that match criteria
Database and Array Functions  =DCOUNT (DB,Field, Criteria) Counts records that match criteria
Database and Array Functions Ctrl + Shift + Enter Enter Array Function
Database and Array Functions  =TRANSPOSE (Rows or Columns)  Converts rows to columns and vice versa 
Auditing Formulas Ctrl + [ Immediate Precedents
Auditing Formulas Ctrl + ] Immediate Dependents
Auditing Formulas Alt + M + P Trace Precedents
Auditing Formulas Alt + M + D Trace Dependents
Auditing Formulas Alt + M + A + A Erase Traces
Auditing Formulas Shift + Ctrl + { All Precedents
Auditing Formulas Shift + Ctrl + } All Dependents
Auditing Formulas F5 + Enter Jump to Original Cell
Auditing Formulas Shift + F2 Add/Edit Comment
Auditing Formulas Alt + R + D Del Comment
Auditing Formulas Alt + R + A Show All Comments
Auditing Formulas F5, Alt + S + C Highlight Cells w/ Comments
Filtering, Sorting & Validating Alt + A + SS Sort Data
Filtering, Sorting & Validating Alt + A + SA Sort Ascending
Filtering, Sorting & Validating Alt + A + SD Sort Descending
Filtering, Sorting & Validating Ctrl + Shift + L Filter Data
Filtering, Sorting & Validating Alt + A + Q Advanced Data Filter
Filtering, Sorting & Validating Right Mouse Button + E + V Filter by Cell’s Properties
Filtering, Sorting & Validating Alt + A + M Remove Duplicates
Filtering, Sorting & Validating Alt + A + V + V Validate Data
Scenarios & Sensitivities  =CHOOSE(Number, Item1,Item2…) Select from List based on Number
Scenarios & Sensitivities  =OFFSET(Cell, #Rows, # Cols) Move # of Rows and Columns from Cell
Scenarios & Sensitivities Alt + A + W + S Scenario Manager
Scenarios & Sensitivities Alt + A + W + G Goal Seek
Scenarios & Sensitivities Alt + A + W + T Data Table
Macros, VBA, and Forms Alt + F11 VBA Editor
Macros, VBA, and Forms F5 (in VBA) Run Macro
Macros, VBA, and Forms F2 (in VBA) Object Browser Ctrl + G (in VBA) Immediate Window
Macros, VBA, and Forms Alt + L + I Form Control
Macros, VBA, and Forms Alt + W + M + U Use Relative References
Macros, VBA, and Forms Alt + W + M + R Record Macro
Macros, VBA, and Forms Alt + W + M + V View Macros
Graphs & Charts Alt + N + C Column Chart
Graphs & Charts Alt + N + N Line Chart
Graphs & Charts Alt + N + Q Pie Chart
Graphs & Charts Alt + N + B Bar Chart
Graphs & Charts Alt + N + X Text Box
Graphs & Charts Alt + N + SD Combo Chart (2013+)
Graphs & Charts Alt + N + R Recommended Chart (2013+)
Graphs & Charts Alt + JC + A Add Chart Element (2013+)
Graphs & Charts Alt + JC Design Tab
Graphs & Charts Alt + JA Layout Tab (2007, 2010)
Graphs & Charts Alt + JO Format Tab (2007, 2010)
Graphs & Charts Alt + JA Format Tab -2013

Thursday, August 7, 2014

Chart and VBA

Excel’s Charts
Excel’s charting feature lets you create a wide variety of charts using data that’s stored in a worksheet. You have a great deal of control over nearly every aspect of each chart. An Excel chart is simply packed with objects, each of which has its own properties and methods. Because of this, manipulating charts with Visual Basic for Applications (VBA) can be a bit of a challenge. We discuss the key concepts that you need to understand in order to write VBA code that generates or manipulates charts.
The Chart object model
When you first start exploring the object model for a Chart object, you’ll probably be very confused — which isn’t surprising; the object model is very confusing. It’s also very deep. For example, assume that you want to change the title displayed in an embedded chart. The toplevel object, of course, is the Application object (Excel). The Application object contains a Workbook object, and the Workbook object contains a Worksheet object. The Worksheet object contains a ChartObject object, which contains a Chart object. The Chart object has a ChartTitle object, and the ChartTitle object has a Text property that stores the text that’s displayed as the chart’s title. Here’s another way to look at this hierarchy for an embedded chart:
Your VBA code must, of course, follow this object model precisely. For example, to set a chart’s title to Annual Sales, you can write a VBA instruction like this:
WorkSheets(“Sheet1”).ChartObjects(1).Chart.ChartTitle. Text = “YTD Sales”
Note that the preceding statement will fail if the chart doesn’t have a title. To add a default title to the chart (which displays the text Chart Title), use this statement:
Worksheets(“Sheet1”).ChartObjects(1).Chart.HasTitle = True
Creating an Embedded Chart
A ChartObject is a special type of Shape object. Therefore, it’s a member of the Shapes collection. To create a new chart, use the AddChart method of the Shapes collection. The following statement creates an empty embedded chart:
The AddChart method can use five arguments (all are optional):
Type: The type of chart. If omitted, the default chart type is used. Constants for all the chart types are provided (for example, xlArea, xlColumnClustered, and so on).
 Left: The left position of the chart, in points. If omitted, Excel centers the chart horizontally.
Top: The top position of the chart, in points. If omitted, Excel centers the chart vertically.
Width: The width of the chart, in points. If omitted, Excel uses 354.
Height: The height of the chart, in points. If omitted, Excel uses 210.
A chart without data isn’t very useful, so you’ll want to use the SetSourceData method to add data to a newly created chart. The procedure that follows demonstrates the SetSourceData method. This procedure creates the chart shown in below Figure.
Data for Chart

Macro Code for Chart
Sub CreateChart()
Dim MyChart As Chart
Dim DataRange As Range
Set DataRange = ActiveSheet.Range(“A1:C13”)
Set MyChart = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddChart.Chart
MyChart.SetSourceData Source:=DataRange
End Sub

Creating a Chart on a Chart Sheet
To create a chart on a chart sheet, use the Add method of the Charts collection. The Add method of the Charts collection uses several optional arguments, but these arguments specify the position of the chart sheet — not chart-related information.
The example that follows creates a chart on a chart sheet and specifies the data range and chart type:
Sub CreateChartSheet()
Dim MyChart As Chart
Dim DataRange As Range
Set DataRange = ActiveSheet.Range(“A1:C13”)
Set MyChart = Charts.Add
MyChart.SetSourceData Source:=DataRange
ActiveChart.ChartType = xlColumnClustered
End Sub
Exporting a Chart or Graphics
In some cases, you may need an Excel chart in the form of a graphics file. For example, you may want to post the chart on a Web site. One option is to use a screen-capture program and copy the pixels directly from the screen. Another choice is to write a simple VBA macro as given below.
Sub SaveChartAsGIF ()
Dim Fname as String
If ActiveChart Is Nothing Then Exit Sub
Fname = ThisWorkbook.Path & “\” & ActiveChart.Name & “.gif”
ActiveChart.Export FileName:=Fname, FilterName:=”GIF”
End Sub
Other choices for the FilterName argument are “JPEG” and “PNG”.
Another way to export all graphic images from a workbook is to save the file in HTML format. Doing so creates a directory that contains GIF and PNG images of the charts, shapes, clipart, and even copied range images (created with HomeàClipboardàPasteàPicture (U)).
Here’s a VBA procedure that automates the process. It works with the active workbook:
Sub SaveAllGraphics()
Dim FileName As String
Dim TempName As String
Dim DirName As String
Dim gFile As String
FileName = ActiveWorkbook.FullName
TempName = ActiveWorkbook.Path & "\" & _
ActiveWorkbook.Name & "graphics.htm"
DirName = Left(TempName, Len(TempName) - 4) & "_files"
' Save active workbookbook as HTML, then reopen original
ActiveWorkbook.SaveAs FileName:=TempName, FileFormat:=xlHtml
Application.DisplayAlerts = False
Workbooks.Open FileName
' Delete the HTML file
Kill TempName
' Delete all but *.PNG files in the HTML folder
gFile = Dir(DirName & "\*.*")
Do While gFile <> ""
If Right(gFile, 3) <> "png" Then Kill DirName & "\" & gFile
gFile = Dir
' Show the exported graphics
Shell "explorer.exe" & DirName, vbNormalFocus
End Sub
Changing chart data based on the active cell
Figure below shows a chart that’s based on the data in the row of the active cell. When the user moves the cell pointer, the chart is updated automatically.

This example uses an event handler for the Sheet1 object. The SelectionChange event occurs whenever the user changes the selection by moving the cell pointer. The event-handler procedure for this event (which is located in the code module for the Sheet1 object) is as follows:
Private Sub Worksheet_SelectionChange(ByVal Target  As Excel.Range)
If CheckBox1 Then Call UpdateChart
End Sub
In other words, every time the user moves the cell cursor, the Worksheet_SelectionChange procedure is executed. If the Auto Update Chart check box (an ActiveX control on the sheet) is checked, this procedure calls the UpdateChart procedure, which follows:
Sub UpdateChart()
Dim ChtObj As ChartObject
Dim UserRow As Long
Set ChtObj = ActiveSheet.ChartObjects(1)
UserRow = ActiveCell.Row
If UserRow < 4 Or IsEmpty(Cells(UserRow, 1)) Then
ChtObj.Visible = False
ChtObj.Chart.SeriesCollection(1).Values = _
Range(Cells(UserRow, 2), Cells(UserRow, 5))
ChtObj.Chart.ChartTitle.Text = Cells(UserRow, 1).Text
ChtObj.Visible = True
End If
End Sub
The UserRow variable contains the row number of the active cell. The If statement checks that the active cell is in a row that contains data. (The data starts in row 4.) If the cell cursor is in a row that doesn’t have data, the ChartObject object is hidden. Otherwise, the code sets the Values property for the Series object to the range in columns 2–5 of the active row. It also sets the ChartTitle object to correspond to the text in column A.

Animating Charts: How to Animate Chart we will show you in next post

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

Pivot Table and VBA

Creating a pivot table
Below Figure shows a pivot table created from the data, along with the PivotTable Field List task bar. This pivot table summarizes the Salary of Employee and month. This pivot table is set up with the following fields:

v  Department: A report filter field in the pivot table.
v  Employee Name: A row field in the pivot table.
v  Month: A column field in the pivot table.
v  Salary: A values field in the pivot table that uses the Sum function.
I turned on the macro recorder before I created this pivot table and specified a new worksheet for the pivot table location. The code that was generated follows:

Sub CreatePivot()
'This Macro is recorded and done necessary changes
    ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create(SourceType:=xlDatabase, SourceData:= _
        "'Monthwise Salary Register'!R1C1:R28C5", Version:=xlPivotTableVersion12). _
        CreatePivotTable TableDestination:="", TableName:="PivotTable1", _
    ActiveSheet.PivotTableWizard TableDestination:=ActiveSheet.Cells(3, 1)
    ActiveSheet.Cells(3, 1).Select
    With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Department")
        .Orientation = xlPageField
        .Position = 1
    End With
    With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Employee Name")
        .Orientation = xlRowField
        .Position = 1
    End With
    With ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").PivotFields("Month")
        .Orientation = xlColumnField
        .Position = 1
    End With
    ActiveSheet.PivotTables("PivotTable1").AddDataField ActiveSheet.PivotTables( _
        "PivotTable1").PivotFields("Salary"), "Sum of Salary", xlSum
End Sub

Cleaning up the recorded pivot table code
As with most recorded macros, the preceding example isn’t as efficient as it could be. And, as I noted, it’s very likely to generate an error. You can simplify the code to make it more understandable and also to prevent the error. The hand-crafted code that follows generates the same pivot table as the procedure previously listed:
Sub CreatePivotTable()
Dim PTCache As PivotCache
Dim PT As PivotTable
‘ Create the cache
Set PTCache = ActiveWorkbook.PivotCaches.Create( _
SourceType:=xlDatabase, _
‘ Add a new sheet for the pivot table
‘ Create the pivot table
Set PT = ActiveSheet.PivotTables.Add( _
PivotCache:=PTCache, _
‘ Specify the fields
With PT
.PivotFields(“Department”).Orientation = xlPageField
.PivotFields(“Month”).Orientation = xlColumnField
.PivotFields(“Employee Name”).Orientation = xlRowField
.PivotFields(“Salary”).Orientation = xlDataField
‘no field captions
.DisplayFieldCaptions = False
' Change the captions
.PivotFields("Sum of Salary").Caption = " Salary  "
.PivotFields("Sum of Incentive").Caption = " Incentive  "
End With
End Sub
The CreatePivotTable procedure is simplified and might be easier to understand, because it declares two object variables: PTCache and PT. A new PivotCache object is created by using the Create method. A worksheet is added, and it becomes the active sheet (the destination for the pivot table). Then a new PivotTable object is created by using the Add method of the PivotTables collection. The last section of the code adds the four fields to the pivot table and specifies their location within it by assigning a value to the Orientation property. The original macro hard-coded both the data range used to create the PivotCache object (‘'Monthwise Salary Register'!R1C1:R28C5’) and the pivot table location (Sheet2 or Sheet3). In the CreatePivotTable procedure, the pivot table is based on the current region surrounding cell A1. This ensures that the macro will continue to work properly if more data is added. Adding the worksheet before the pivot table is created eliminates the need to hard-code the sheet reference. Yet another difference is that the hand-written macro doesn’t specify a pivot table name. Because the PT object variable is created, your code doesn’t ever have to refer to the pivot table by name.
Note: Changes the captions displayed in the pivot table. For example, Sum of Salary is replaced by Salary. Note that the string Salary is preceded by a space. Excel doesn’t allow you to change a caption that corresponds to a field name, so adding a space gets around this restriction.

Excel ShortCuts

Heading Short Cut Key Discription The Fundamentals Ctrl + O Open File The Fundamentals Ctrl + N ...